Dung Beetles and Pasture Health

By Amy Oboussier  Believe it or not, dung beetles play an important role in the ecosystem of farms and we have a lot to thank them for: Soil health and nutrient recycling – Dung beetles aid in nutrient recycling by breaking down animal waste, accelerating decomposition, and creating channels for decomposition organisms to access dung,…

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Wildlife Friendly Gardens

Wildlife Friendly Gardens You can create a wildlife sanctuary in your garden or planters, regardless of where you live or the size of the space. By making a few simple changes that will make it a desirable home for wildlife. Messy is good!  By reducing the number of chemicals and artificial products used, you can…

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Tim Williams Visited by the BBC One Show

Tim Williams Visited by the BBC One Show Tim Williams produces Aberdeen Angus beef for Farm Wilder from Erth Barton farm, on the banks of the River Tamar at the border between Devon and Cornwall. Tim recently had a visit from BBC’s One Show to see the influx of Cattle Egrets on the regenerative farm.…

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Rewilding – Is it Time to Ditch this Divisive Idea?

Rewilding – Is it Time to Ditch this Divisive Idea? By Tim Martin When I first heard about rewilding I was entranced.  Abandoned farmland in Europe was being restored to a wilder state, complete with reintroduced lynx, wolves, bison and other lost species.  After decades of relentless impoverishment of the planet, here was evidence that…

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The Wilder Landscape in 2023

Andy and Luke looking over fence post.

The Wilder Landscape in 2023 By Luke Dale-Harris The new year has arrived and things are off to a flying start at Farm Wilder – before January is up, we will have launched into restaurants and pubs from Devon to London, spoken at conferences around the country, and increased the amount of beef we buy…

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Avian Flu Update

Avian Flu Update By The Farm Wilder Team With Avian Flu still spreading like wildfire through free range poultry farms and wreaking devastation on wild bird populations, we have made the difficult decision to temporarily stop selling chicken and cancel turkey sales for this Christmas. In autumn we were extremely saddened to hear that our…

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Winter Wildlife Wonders


Winter Wildlife Wonders By Tim Martin The countryside in winter can seem a little lifeless.  Walks are often head down, powering along against the elements, senses blunted by hats and hoods, in contrast to unhurried summer ambles, when there are flowers, butterflies and birdsong to distract eyes and ears.  In winter, much of our wildlife…

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The Biggest Disaster: The Decline in Soil Health


The Biggest Disaster: The Decline in Soil Health Soil is one of the most fundamental resources we have – without healthy soil we cannot grow enough food to eat. Soil is much more than just food production: it protects us against floods and droughts whilst capturing vast amounts of carbon. Modern intensive farming is degrading…

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Deer, Oh Deer…

Farm Wilder Red Deer in Woods

Deer, Oh Deer… By Tim Martin Why we need to eat more wild-shot venison to save woodland wildlife.  There’s hardly a day goes by without newspaper story about the pros and cons of meat: why we shouldn’t eat it, or why we should (as long as it’s less of the right sort of meat -…

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Ancient Orchards – The Revival

Farm Wilder Ancient Orchards

We often talk about the wonderful wildflower meadows that Farm Wilder’s farmers protect, but there’s another endangered farmland habitat that is less well known, and once lost takes even longer to restore: orchards. Over the last 100 years there has been a drastic decline in orchards throughout England and Wales, with the National Trust estimating…

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